Enamoured of God

The charism of the Discalced Carmelites is closely related to the spiritual life of St. Teresa of Jesus. It is striving to unite with God through inner prayer (contemplative prayer). It is a lifestyle based on following Christ in His prayer at the desert. This charism is lived in a brotherly community gathering around Mary - our Sister and Mother.
The adventure in Carmel starts with vocation discernment. This is the time when you learn about yourself, your desires, motivations, the time when you get used to prayer. It is also the time of learning about Carmel (its history, spirituality and the friars’ lifestyle). During that time the following may help: spiritual direction, days of group and individual recollection organized by monasteries and contact with vocation directors.
The essential thing in the process of discerning one’s vocation is prayer – the personal bond with Jesus. Without it our human efforts turn out to be ineffective. Sensitivity to His presence, frequent feeding on His Word, everyday concern for the time devoted entirely to being with Him – all that is necessary to recognize His desires and make binding decisions.
Weekend Recollection Days take place in Czerna, Lublin, Cracow, Przemysl. In all these places Recollection Days start at 4 p.m. on Friday and finish about 2 p.m. on Sunday. The participants join the monastery’s daily schedule through common prayers, meals and the Holy Mass. They can also take part in conferences and held personal interviews.
Vocation retreats. Vocation retreats is the time of discerning one’s vocation. The most important part of each day of the reatreats is the Eucharist. Other important elements of the reatreats include: individual prayer, adoration, singing and reciting the breviary together.