A person wishing to start living in Carmel should possess the following gifts:
- love for prayer
- ability to live in a fraternity
- interest in Carmelite life and spirituality
- true implementation of the ideal of religious life
- ability to formulate objective judgments, ability to correctly evaluate and understand the reality
- ability to gain objective knowledge of himself
- sense of responsibility
- reliability
- ability to love selflessly and sacrifice himself
- concern for the common good
- predispositions towards cooperation and establishing interpersonal relations
Contraindications for leading a life in Carmel:
- lack of passion for and aversion to prayer
- insensitivity to spiritual life
- inability to live in a fraternity
- inability to live in obedience, chastity and poverty
- lack of good physical health
- lack of mental and emotional balance
- lack of flexibility; obstinacy, inability to accept comments/criticism
- strong self-centredness
- inability to integrate in a community and temperament that makes living in a community difficult
- instability in the faith, changeability under the influence of false doctrines, religious ignorance
- love of comfort, aversion to sacrifice
- practising homosexuality, deeply rooted homosexual tendency, supporting ‘gay culture’
Documents needed
- Request for admission to the Order (including motivation).
- Handwritten curriculum vitae.
- Copy of birth certificate from the registry office.
- Valid Babtism and Confirmation certificates.
- The last school certificate or diploma.
- Certificate of religious education (not required if the mark in religious education is written on the school certificate).
- Secondary school graduation certificate (for candidates for ordination).
- Health card filled and signed by a family doctor.
- Opinion – a certificate of morality – from the parish priest or religious instruction teacher.
- Permission from parents or legal guardians (for underage candidates).
The submission of documents is always preceded by a meeting with a priest. Any doubts and details concerning the formalities will be explained during the meeting.